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Curvy girl on a white bed

Curvy Girls

I often get inquiries from curvier ladies who are a little apprehensive about doing a boudoir photo shoot as they often see only slender figures featured on boudoir websites. The following sections on posing, Photoshop and flattering outfit choices cover some of the the most common concerns. Please feel free to call, email or text any questions you have that I haven't covered here. I am 100% body positive, and think all women deserve to feel beautiful and fabulous in their skin!

Girl in red and black lingerie

Boudoir Posing

boudoir photo of girl in silver lingerie

I have a conversation with all of my clients before we start their session, regarding if there are particular things that they want to enhance or conceal during the shoot. Some ladies are totally comfortable with anything, but many have certain areas that they would prefer to downplay. Much of this can be done by choosing poses which are most flattering as well as composing photos to create the desired look. I have shot 100's of boudoir sessions with every body type and know just how to direct you into the best poses. You don't need to "know" what to do. You can certainly send any special poses you like ahead of time though!


Photoshop is a powerful tool to enhance your natural beauty! When you first see your photos, an overall skin smooth will have been applied to every one. After you have made your choices, the things that I will typically Photoshop are bruises, blemishes, shine, reduce dark circles under the eyes, stray hairs, and soften wrinkles. Things like cellulite, stretch marks and scars can also be removed or reduced at your request. Photoshop can also be used to slenderize but also only when you specifically request it. Your face, arms, tummy, booty and legs can all be retouched in this way.

Outfit Choices

There are a number of different outfit types that can conceal certain areas. For arms, a robe, cardigan or shawl can all be used to minimize your upper arms. Black is an especially good color for this. Something that can be pulled off the shoulder (like the photo here) are particularly good. They can also be pulled across to conceal the tummy, another area that ladies often want to hide.


Another good choice for the tummy is baby doll lingerie, which features a tighter area over the chest, and then comes down in pretty, flowing fabric, often to the upper to mid thigh. An Amazon search for "baby doll lingerie" will give you a lot of options. Doing a search for "pinup lingerie" will also yield a lot of tummy minimizing choices that are super sexy! Body suits are another good choice for a sexy, tummy covering look. Make sure when you choose lingerie that it isn't too tight and cuts into your skin. If you have questions about lingerie, we can always talk about it during your consult.

dark sexy picture of girl looking out window
plus size woman on white bed
beautiful plus size woman in doorway
Girl in red and black lingerie
cute plus size girl with glasses
boudoir photo in hot pink bra

Ready to find out more?

Beautiful woman in red lingerie on a vintage phone

Book my consult

Fill out the form below to schedule your consult with Michelle. Consults are available days, evenings and weekends. They usually take about 15-20 minutes but can last as long as you like.

  • Choose Zoom, Facetime or a phone call
  • Get all the details of what your luxury shoot will include
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