
Boudoir Digital Files

Everyone loves getting digital files from their boudoir session! All of my packages include a certain number of digital files. You can add additional retouched files to any package for $15 each. You also have the option to add a flash drive of all the files from your session for $500! For a full session (all the up to three hour ones), that is generally 150-200 files. A great way to use them is to send him a surprise every once in a while. You can send one in a text or have a print made and slip it in his briefcase or somewhere where only he will find it.


Digital Files on Flash Drive of Boudoir Images

Receiving Your Digital Files

The files that come with your package will be available via a downloadable gallery once you have chosen them. I will do the retouching, then upload them and send you a link. You will have instructions on how to download them individually or all of them. If you choose to purchase all the files from your session, you will receive them on this beautiful flash drive. The flash drive comes in a gift box, so you have the option to give your sweetie the whole thing, or keep it yourself to let him have a little something every now and then.

Printing from your Digital Files

The digital files are in a jpg format. They are high resolution files, just like I use to print from. You have have them printed anywhere you would like. If you need a copyright release, just email me and I will send one to you. One thing to be aware of when having your files printed is privacy. Make sure you know how the company you use to print handles the privacy of your images. You can read about how I handle the privacy of your images on my privacy page.


Thank you to Rice Studio Supply for my beautiful flash drives!

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